Glory to God


in the highest!


 Vision Statement

To fulfill the great commission of Jesus Christ. To preach the gospel, perpetuate the teachings of Christ for righteous living, to provide a facility of worship that fosters divine healing, spiritual deliverance of the oppressed, and to educate and empower believers for the Kingdom of God’s service.




Mission Statement

The mission of Faith on the Move Ministries, Inc.. is to manifest the revealed vision of God as given to the Senior Pastor for the Kingdom, our community and the lost.


- Evangelism of all family members to become Christian believers.


- Erect and operate a 1500-seat sanctuary for multi-cultural praise and worship with adjacent recreational facility. (2010)


- Establish and operate a Christian Daycare and school for academic and spiritual excellence. (Pre-K thru 6th grade, 2010)


- Establish and operate affordable housing units, an addiction rehabilitation unit for the community.


- Establish and operate literacy and life skills programs for Kingdom believers and the community.

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